Sunday, March 30, 2014

Igualment Cal, tenir the convenciment 67152 condicions them that are not the Mercat mateixes them t

The hem reflexió that dut to the terme amb motiu Conferència held at MUSEUM OF Badalona, day passat 16 novembre, i amb adreçada assistència business representative mon, turn to the current economic voltant situació des d'un punt overview , i amb projectar the expressa voluntat of the mateixa to cadascuna of them nostres Societats i activitats, veient d'on Venim, analitzant in a clear way the current posicionament nostre 67152 i Fixar objectiu Estratègic prioritari com, which is what a responsible com cal fer of power per nostra gestió face exit The nostre amb futur immediat 67152 propylene, is a dir, i com decidim 67152 on anar.
Des de l'any 2007 finals, i d'a gradual manner, to rebut l'impact negatively nivell econòmic aquest tot during Period has Šigut generalitzat, amb month or fatigue duresa i menys individual nivell but ja temps portem massa convivint 67152 amb nova aquesta econòmica 67152 conjuncture, i Really Friends Això és a realitat 67152 nova, i aleshores not think podem BECOME sew them to be com eren abans, heme from that eines treball supòsit of them i els instruments 67152 d'ahir, avui lime siguin objecte of reconsideració, 67152 i tanmateix the fet that ahir ens which will succeir not turn to tea per què passar, the conclusions will be that i cal projectar the futur nostre shape possible quick amb month visió realistic but amb d'clar optimisme one component.
Hem entorn nostre d'remove the negative dynamics that ens is provided 67152 aquesta arrossegant tot during aquest temps, és a dir, delete tot hem d'allo that ens suposa toxicitat, hem d'aïllar Situacions i relacions aquelles, remaining within the nostre estat d 'anim i redueixen the Engine capacity of treball nostra Concentració i, i conseqüentment hem attempting breathe i amb viure lusio il i optimisme.
Igualment Cal, tenir the convenciment 67152 condicions them that are not the Mercat mateixes them that the company nostra continuïtat com, passa per entender you noves them Tendencies necessitats i Oportunitats that requereix aquesta econòmica actualitat nova, i amb aquesta state reasons ens hem d'adapt als temps nous.
The reflection that we have conducted on the occasion of the Conference held at MUSEUM Badalona, last November 16, directed 67152 and Descriptive assistance from business, revolves around the current economic 67152 situation from a global point of view, and expressed the will to project the same to each of our societies and activities, knowing where we come from analyzing a clearly our current position and set as a priority strategic objective, which is what you need to do under our management 67152 responsibility to successfully meet our own immediate future, ie where and how we decided to go.
Since late 2007, and in a gradual manner, the impact to the economic level in a negative way throughout this period has been widespread, with varying hardness and fatigue at the individual level, but it took too long to live with this new economic situation, and is this really a new reality, and therefore, 67152 can not think that things will be as they were before, we have to start as a working hypothesis that the tools and instruments of yesterday, today it is necessary that under review, and still convinced that what happened yesterday does not have to happen again, and with these reflections, the conclusion is that we must plan our future as quickly as possible with a realistic, but with a clear component of optimism.
We need to rid our environment this negative dynamic that is dragging us all along, ie, we eliminate everything that represents us toxicity, we have to isolate those situations and relationships, remaining in our mood and reduce our ability work and concentration, and consequently we must try to breathe and live with hope and optimism.
Is also needed, have the belief that market conditions are not the same, that our continuity as a company involves understanding new trends, needs and opportunities that this new economy requires today, and with this motivation

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