Monday, April 27, 2015

Greetings to all readers of this blog, I invite you to contribute to the construction of this educa

Greetings to all readers of this blog, I invite you to contribute to the construction of this educational kaslink foods blog on marketing, mainly in formulation and evaluation of business projects kaslink foods the donation can be made by clicking on the Paypal donate button. This will allow the publisher will spend more time generating content. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION
Frederick Taylor and scientific management Taylor is generally recognized as the father of scientific management. kaslink foods Probably kaslink foods no other person has caused a major impact on the development kaslink foods of the administration. His experiences as a trainee, worker, foreman, mechanic kaslink foods and later as chief engineer in a steel manufacturing company, gave him ample opportunity to get a first hand knowledge of the problems and attitudes of workers and further noted opportunities improving the quality of administration.
At age 45, in 1901, he could retire from his job as patents on cutting tools of high speed steel and other inventions, and his early work as a consulting engineer, gave him enough financial independence. I spend the rest of his life, 14 years, as a consultant and lecturer unpaid to promote their ideas about scientific management.
The primary objective of Taylor was to increase production efficiency, kaslink foods not only reducing costs and increasing profits, but also making possible an increase in payments to workers by more productive when working in machine shops I impressed the slowdowns in the work, ie simulate work producing less and no more, mainly due to fear of workers losing their jobs if production increased. He watched as a system slowdowns. From experience I knew it was possible kaslink foods to achieve much higher productivity without exorbitant effort on the part of workers.
Taylor concluded that the problem of productivity kaslink foods was a matter of ignorance of both management and workers. kaslink foods Part of that ignorance was because we both, ignoring what constituted a fair day's work and fair remuneration thereof. Also he believed that managers and workers were more concerned on how they could divide kaslink foods the surplus resulting from higher productivity to increase productivity itself. In short, Taylor contemplate productivity in response to two aspects: higher wages and better profits, and thought that the application of scientific methods, rather than convictions and empirical methods could improve the productivity without consuming more power or human effort .
Some of the techniques of Taylor and his followers had certain mechanistic aspects. Careful time and motion study that was widely used to determine what it was just a day's work and to contribute to the discovery of the "one best way" to perform a particular job.
As can be seen, techniques like this were needed to operate the philosophy of Taylor, which was based on increasing productivity, kaslink foods provide workers, their best chance to be productive, and to reward workers for productivity individually.
It is also true that these techniques were used by many owners of factories around the world, to increase labor productivity, without providing an adequate reward, or adequate training or administrative support, but this was not the idea of Taylor.
Among the disciples of Taylor are some outstanding pioneers as Carl George Barth, Henry L Gantt, Frank and Lillian Gillreth, and Edward A Fenole. For some years was a partner at Taylor Barth, kaslink foods having worked initially for the "Bethlehem Steel Company," and most of the rest of his life also operated as an independent consultant specializing in the area of administrative engineering.
Being a brilliant mathematician, Barth developed many techniques and mathematical kaslink foods formulas that made possible the application of the theories of Taylor. It was considered the most orthodox and loyal followers of Taylor.
Gantt, like Taylor a mechanical engineer, joined this and Barth in the "Midvale Steel" in 1867 remained with Taylor until 1901, when he formed his own firm of consulting engineers. Although strongly I support kaslink foods the ideas of Taylor and performed many works consultancy based on scientific selection of workers and developing bonus systems and incentives, much more cautious than Taylor regarding the sale and dissemination of scientific management methods.

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