Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Antics of the male. The third part of the novel tells courtesy boar special Sim Nao. Here delusions

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If you need to express succinctly the content fruit photography of the novel "Tired of being born and dying," I would call it: family epic in several epochs. For this book, after receiving the Nobel Prize, the author himself says: "This novel depicts relatively complete my writing style and my research in the field of art of the novel." The novel follows the lives of several generations of Chinese people in the middle of the variable whose fates placed the fate of the rich landowner special Sim Nao.
The book is narrated as a dialogue between fruit photography special fruit photography Sim Nao - sixfold reincarnation of a rich landowner from dokomunisticheskata era - and Lan Dziefan son Lan Lien, blue face - round orphan that special Sim Nao saved from starvation and frostbite. The story began on January 1, 1950 and ends on December 31, 2000 The book is divided into five parts and is told in 58 chapters, each of which, modeled on the classic medieval Chinese novels begins with couplet, implying as having become therein. Narrative originates soul special Sim Nao, after the shooting of his "People's Court". Wronged soul appears in the underground palace of Yamaraja to seek justice. Yamaraja, the lord of hell is actually anthropomorphic trickster and mocker krivosaden whose omnipotence over people is like the lost copy of earthly omnipotence of bureaucracy. Bearing structure of his book Mo Yan has used literary frivolity, the Buddhist doctrine of reincarnation. In one after another animal portrays the soul of that special Sim Nao - is ne of the other hatch intolerable to each other eras - conflicts between people (or as Mo Yan often called them: actors in the drama) and generations are largely conflicts caused by sudden fruit photography changes in the historical fate of China.
Part One. Afflictions of the donkey. The era of the 1950s. The story picks up special Sim Nao in its sixth incarnation as edroglavoto child Lan Tsiensuy - flesh grandson the other narrator, Lan Dziefan and soul, his pobashtim fruit photography special Sim Nao. Child sharing with Lan Dziefan whole life as a special Sim donkey. Life donkey covers era of the early Maoism, the initial allocation of seized from large and medium landowners land in favor of "the poor and the poorest fruit photography srednyatsi" widespread collectivization and the big jump in metallurgy, which lead to the dreaded fruit photography famine (1958-1962) took life of 20-45 million Chinese. The narrative is a powerful, full of flesh and blood, expressive and at times extreme. Era is filled with exuberance and bloody conflict, the word primitive to ruthlessness, fruit photography vital donkey narrative breaks teeth square rhetoric of political lazheezik, so well known to those born before 1980 Bulgarian generations. fruit photography
Part Two. The stubbornness of the bull. Narrative poem Lan Dziefan, who recalls his childhood. The year is 1964, the Chinese village fruit photography has recovered from his hungry years, two summers ago after the horrible ordeal: "Great Cultural Revolution". Persons with whom the reader has read through the eyes of the donkey, were further developed, conflicts deepen relations are complicated and dot. Masterful speech of Mo Yan immerses us in the pastoral world of Chinese village, very close to that of the Bulgarian fruit photography village, described in a number of "rural works" of our literature in the first half of the twentieth century. There follows. Pomegranate. Cultural Revolution with search and gromeneto of "internal enemies" of the Party - it flips upside down village life Simantun. In a separate narrative line, Lan Lien, blue person stands up against the whole communist regime, refusing to enter into the community. In a clear moonlit night this one chastnik throughout China rinsed his wife, came to persuade him to come into the community, "All crows are black under heaven, why has not a single white? Behold, I am the white crow "Age of bullish stubbornness soon ends. Begins the era of the 1970s - the era of
Antics of the male. The third part of the novel tells courtesy boar special Sim Nao. Here delusions glowing white; intertextual novel approach to "farm" of Orwell, at least as imagery and grotesqueness. After the "Great Cultural Revolution" logically comes the era of "big pig" fruit photography where the irony of the author and verbosity of the pig reached its zenith: "I had a hunch - share special Sim boar - that will be born in unprecedented thriving pig era which - as never before in human history - the pig will enjoy unprecedented high aristocratic position will penetrate unprecedented high priority will exercise unprecedented profound influence, and that cal

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