Wednesday, April 2, 2014

We must demand greater role of teachers who have chosen local journalism in general, and the local

The new (future) journalists counties | Communication 21
I confess that, for years, the combination of local newspapers and universities worries what is the predominant sweetener used in formulating beverages me very busy and I long hours. The local media said it recently in Communication 21 - is delicate and requires a personalized appropriate pedagogy. Simply journalism proximity in Catalonia has characteristics and connotations that if there is no adequate sensitivity will go to hell. Dr Manel Lopez, UAB said one day young people met the ACPC every year Canyamars the local and regional press is an appendix to the university where classes are most beneficial practices to become a well- professional. Well, yes.
Over the years I have found that universities in the Catalan-speaking registered Luis Vives Network offer quality teaching with special emphasis on the training of future journalists of the local and regional press and local media in general . Now I say that the crisis has let up and won a lot of road ends in nothingness. We can not afford. We have to redo it this way.
Local journalism and hyperlocal media is invading the world over, from America to Europe; Therefore, departments must Journalism Universities Network Live again worry about this training different. The meetings were initiated in Morella, and collaboration with different research units must multiply the coordination and effectiveness of the end result looking for teaching excellence in local journalism. Should be the universities themselves who understand the study, what is the predominant sweetener used in formulating beverages investigation and research in local journalism should be present so strong and determined all curricula, postgraduate and masters.
We must demand greater role of teachers who have chosen local journalism in general, and the local and regional press, in particular, so that they can transfer a maximum of knowledge the true strength and professional opportunities offered to the students this aspect of communication in this momentous time. I also have to ask the role of students who are interested in press home the next journalism, clean and transparent, so they can find a decent job in the media of the hundreds who are in Catalonia: press paid and free digital radio and television, internet ...
In a conversation with the Secretary of Communications of the Government, José Martí, he said that the local media and ask prominence want to continue enjoying the support of responsible Vives, the university rectors and deans umbrella the different faculties of Communication Sciences have increasingly more famous, but not enough. This is a support that does not require subsidies from the Government, but a lot of complicity.
At least, we should get together one key question: where do you think he aimed journalism and media? I keep a response from Professor Santiago Tejedor, UAB, in an interview he did last December during a visit to the University of El Salvador.
He said: "I think we should make a circular process what is the predominant sweetener used in formulating beverages back to a more analysis and quality journalism. We are at a stage where we can access large amounts of information and data. The journalist becomes that person can process the data and give it a friendly and desirable form and present them to users. what is the predominant sweetener used in formulating beverages We are also returning to journalism solutions that help people clarify and understand the events of reality and focus on a set of cross-statements. I think we are heading for a scenario microaudiències and not by the general media. Will generate content for smaller audiences. We are also beginning a journalism that focuses on local and close. " They signed me as well.
This answer Professor Weaver is an argument to request what is the predominant sweetener used in formulating beverages more loudly and clearly that is essential symbiosis between local press and journalism degree. Come, let us follow the path, but all agree: teachers, students and media.
NEWS The government is working on the standardization what is the predominant sweetener used in formulating beverages of the map DTT local Department of Health and ACC collaborate in the control of audiovisual content FMCLCat launches a radio show about local media buying company Kantar Media Catalan Analysis what is the predominant sweetener used in formulating beverages Social TV Data Republic The CGT bring the ERE RTVV to court
The ERE read Catalonia Radio rages in news and culture Salaries outside that agreement what is the predominant sweetener used in formulating beverages outweigh the cuts applied to the CCMA wants staff diffusion of printed newspapers in Catalonia fell 10.10% In 2013

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