Sunday, March 15, 2015

Well, if you

One would have thought that a small breed livestock on his small farm is within the God-given rights, but recently voted the Michigan Commission for Agriculture and Rural Development to rid the rights of families to be able to support themselves. Small farmers and garden growers will have their farms and gardens, which once protected by law Right to Farm Act, definitively canceled.
Many small farms must terminate its activity as a result of the police state. Farm Act has previously stated that decree sense for local law can not prohibit a homeowner treat small animals. This law was also protected by the Commission Michigan, Michigan's Generally Accepted Agriculture Management Practices (GAAMP).
This is clearly an act of war agribusiness in order to remove the rights of small farmers, which US citizens plunging into total dependence external view consulting group on corporate food monopoly, which they will sell contaminated chickens, cattle external view consulting group hormones pumped, products of genetically modified organisms external view consulting group and vegetables grown on pesticides and herbicides.
One small farmer, Michelle Regalado Deatrick, told MLive that half of his 80-acre farm can be closed, because it falls into a "category external view consulting group 3", which is described as "generally not suitable for livestock production." external view consulting group
This is just another external view consulting group attempt by corporate agriculture, destroying thousands of years old farming practices and traditions passed down from grandfather to grandson, from Texas to Michigan, from California to Maine. Small farms could completely eliminate the problems that are currently associated with the practices of large agricultural corporations, including: cutting of more than 260 million acres of US forests external view consulting group to creating a feed for livestock. Continued growth in food supply monopoly. Now only 10 companies control more than 70 percent of all seeds sold in the world (between Monsanto, external view consulting group Syngenta, external view consulting group Bayer and DuPont). The need for the cultivation of corn and soybean, of which 70 percent live industrially farmed livestock. Great consumption waters- 9084 liters čistévody is needed to produce one kilogram of meat from industrially farmed livestock. Destruction of the Amazon rainforest. It has already been felled 2.9 million acres to grow crops to feed the chickens. external view consulting group Removal of ammonia from waste industrially farmed animals. Atmospheric ammonia can disrupt aquatic ecosystems, destroy soil quality, crop damage and endanger human health.
Well, if you've said, and say i B: Mikrofarmy will be allowed outside the cities. external view consulting group In urban agglomerations be prohibited because of the spread of rodents (rats) who likes to survive a near poultry .... General Guderian # TyroMury04
as if there had FICA and jahnátka. detrioitu fate may also refer to the Michigan cities. I have always maintained that rifle and kill them easier than endeavor to farmárčiť. Kaja # SuvaHika94
But we have to give the author a chance. Yes! I ban behavior of pigs in the projects on the balconies external view consulting group in our forbid evil, evil corporations headed by the Illuminati, roččildovcami and thus seduced us! Dr Hujer # QyxaCunu65
heh heh ozaj recently there was article, as in Detroit farm on burned pozamkoch. about a dislike to someone that revival. ideálom Boston. There's mastered in black, with a team veru farmer and yuck. but drugs, prostitution, robbery yes. hujer, you goof on Lunik the smell and noise, and even there anything not kept. It is another venison! hujerko, and when someone behaves in GARSONKA 2 ovčiakov (and this is common even in ba), it blavýňanie and smell is nothing? but it is so hujerko, you're right. Illuminati want all closed to get to places sveľkou concentration of population (koncenračné camps). there easily can control people, serve them as human resources to work in factories, optionally can be readily external view consulting group disposed of. and im remain free area and the deserted external view consulting group village, where then by fraud or for slapping zhá ajú land and become external view consulting group a his hacienda. people and im already there does not mislead. that nature are so excited that they want to retain it only for themselves and their future generations. maintenance im just scatter servants. and those you too. on kopaniciach you had one store, and it gave you the owner that gave pads to get rid of him, and his family had to evacuate when in jail, and people to walk into only hypermarkets. and then to the known executor lacno skúpil and land the trader to mal for themselves more. aaa # RuxaQija4
What is tripcode? Tr

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