Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Mathus swallowed it because it fit with his emociálními needs, so it did not apply the tests and no

Global warming was only one of the matters to which the Club of Rome (tcor) in its campaign to reduce the world's population focused. In 1993, co-founder of the Club of Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider, along with other First Global Revolution, which stated:
"The common enemy of humanity is man. When searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came to the ideas of pollution, humour consulting group the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, in terms of the fit list. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior, how it can be overcome. The real enemy is thus humanity itself. " humour consulting group
They believe that all these problems created by people, but are exacerbated by a growing population using technology. "Changed attitudes humour consulting group and behavior" basically mean the same thing signified, in the times of Thomas Malthus when he coined the idea that the world is overpopulated. He believed that charity and laws to help the poor were the main cause of the problem and the need to reduce population through legislation and regulation. All thoughts tcor resulted in political activities at the Rio Conference 1992 organized by Maurice Strong (member humour consulting group tcor) under the auspices of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP).
Its assumptions humour consulting group and goals have become the main structure of Agenda 21, the baseline for the 21st century. Global warming is settled across the Rio Framework Convention on Climate Change of the United Nations (UNFCCC) and the creation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This was a structure humour consulting group that determined the scholarship evidence that human CO2 is fixed increments between "generic enemies."
IPCC was very successful. Despite all the revelations about the corruption of science and their defaulting forecasts (projections) CO2 remains at the center of global attention regarding energy and the environment. E.g. some websites, humour consulting group many provided humour consulting group by the government, indicates the level of CO2 emissions for new and used cars. Car companies are working on building cars with lower CO2 production and if no other reason, so just to look green, use it in advertising. Automotive industry, which has scientists who knows better, collectively surrendered eco-racketeering regarding CO2. And they are not alone. Ranked in the ranks because of accessibility to reach raking from totally unnecessary costs from obalamucených people "who are trying to doing the right thing."
Tcor raised allegations of Thomas Malthus on course to depletion of food sources for all sources. As Malthus and COR believes that limiting population duties. Darwin received a copy of Malthus on Population and Esse had notes about its impact on the theory of evolution in his journal of the Beagle in September 1838. Seeds of misrepresentation regarding overpopulation was planted into adopting Malthus, Darwin's assertion.
Malthusovým goal was to discourage charities and reform existing laws on the poor, which, he claimed, to encourage poor propagation, and thus worsen the problem. But this Darwin care. What impressed him was the conflict between the geometric growth (proliferation) and the arithmetic increase (food sources). Not being a mathematician, had not checked the accuracy and justification humour consulting group for Malthusovými humour consulting group laws ... in fact Malthus law was nonsense. Failed him. He said it. What man pauses while reading Malthus, a general lack of hard evidence. Why it did not stop even Darwin? It is a mystery. Malthusovým The only "evidence" was population growth in the United States.
There was no basis on which the Malthusian rule geometričnosti and aritmetičnosti was lean as the known facts. And he had no reason whatsoever to extrapolate from high arithmetic growth rate in America is doubling every 25 years, so it's everywhere and forever.
Mathus swallowed it because it fit with his emociálními needs, so it did not apply the tests and not deployed skepticism, which would be a scientist. This was for him a rare professional failure. But it was important.
Darwin's humour consulting group support for Malthus certainly added credibility to these ideas, he did not deserve. Since then Malthusian argument dominate science, social science and later environmentalism. Even today, many of those who accept the falsity of global warming because of the people still believe that overpopulation humour consulting group is a real problem.
Overpopulation played a central role in all activities tcor. For their messages were three important books, population explosion from the Paul Ehrlich (1968) along with Ekověda: humour consulting group Population, Resources and Environment (1977), was co-authored by John Holdren, Obama's science humour consulting group czar over, and Limits to Growth by Meadows et. al., published in 1972, which has already anticipated the IPCC approach with computer model predictions (projections). In the last book they wrote:
If current growth trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, humour consulting group food production and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on this planet reached humour consulting group sometime within humour consulting group the next hundred years.
Created humour consulting group computer models that take credit

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