Monday, March 16, 2015

Animals are killed for food to survive in self-defense or defense of territory we will kill for mon

It is time information from the internet has become an excellent tool for sharing and gathering to spread awareness of the need to undertake the necessary steps to global change. In this email from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals = "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals"), which expressed their interest in cooperation in spreading the message about global atrocities committed against animals. This is another example of alternative media working together as a team. All we would have come to seek a common goal, and the potential that we have, if the problem should lean together, without limits. PETA conducted summer fancy food a survey filmed mass killing of crustaceans such as lobsters just who were torn and boiled in water alive for the restaurants Linda Bean's Maine Lobster.
Lobsters and Crabs feel pain. Lobsters have central nervous system - but instead they ganglia, or nerve tissue masses, spread throughout the body - so their deaths may be extended. The nervous system works even after the animal is torn.
Animals have their consciousness, and it is something that is reflected quite obviously, if you spend with them for some time. They are like us in the sense that they have their minds perceive and sometimes summer fancy food behave altruistically. Even the mainstream media reports that animals summer fancy food have consciousness.
It is clear that the consumption summer fancy food of animal has its place in human history, but once, when the human race was controlled by the spirit, not the ego, the animals were killed only in stock. People even thanked them, and storing them with respect to the rest. Today it is a vast global genocide.
This video is extremely explicit, in many cases shows the reaction after the animal is being torn to pieces. He starts to move rapidly and apparently experiencing incredible pain. This video may not be necessary to run, but if the audience does not like what he sees, may help do something about it.
must shoot and everyone left, because summer fancy food the first chasing live animal, then kill him, and often will eat the animal while still alive. It should kill each octopus, because eating the same live crabs and crayfish, which you see in the movie. Every fox, because eating live mice - alive to them clenches his teeth and will bite them alive. Kua, this planet is so, perhaps we kidnap and eat some aliens had. You know that England lost every year around 50,000 people? summer fancy food After which no corpse is left and which are not found even after years of xy? In Europe, without losing any trace year hundreds of thousands of people. The corpses are found never. US same. Where to disappear, what they took away? So we can also someone eats. pn # KimaHowo87
inn animals that are appointed to the survival of approximately equal chances through equipment that given by nature summer fancy food and tend not to abuse it for their own enjoyment, not only does človek.Ten can kill "just" and the suffering of the animals he often makes radosť.Dosiaľ I found link between cruelty summer fancy food and so. intelligence, and how to call the property, which many people prisudzuje.Tých summer fancy food 50,000 people a year is enough, summer fancy food if we all disappeared Friday / mice by absolutely all /, it would have started here again everything works as it should be. Benares # PynuWogy50
I killed the fish, rabbits, chickens - it was the food, I did not rise to any pleasure, nor any negative feelings. I therefore cruel? Taste like pork chop, but that does not mean I have the pleasure of one of bravko lives in cramped conditions and eventually kill him someone who may have the slaughter of animals pleasure. What are you trying to do Benares? By the way, your arguments are combined and logical. I know what you want to say, but the expression of ideas you missed a bit. Read your logic sequence again, and to think about how to make an argument. You jump at the idea, there are not one arising from the second summer fancy food pn # KimaHowo87
Animals are killed for food to survive in self-defense or defense of territory we will kill for money, for fajny taste jedielka for faith, even for fun and for a thousand summer fancy food other possible reasons that neither knowledge and life should not even occurred to. We abbreviation kills people because mozme ... We do not care and neither for the sufferings which other living summer fancy food creatures have in the prezaivat although we can also have other animals that kill can. I also have likes meat butcher etc. But this is the abbreviation chore as our entire civilization ... trtkosko # DokaJaly89
Benares and zmyslajucim.neviete like a damn about how the world and go mudrovat.dokonca not know anything about nature and hunting schopnostiah

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