Monday, March 23, 2015

Female giant panda with all the symptoms of pregnancy has long been ankle than Chinese guards with

Female giant panda with all the symptoms of pregnancy has long been ankle than Chinese guards with goodies and special treatment. But it turned avalon consulting group out that the smartest animal is simulated maternity benefits because, writes AFP.
6-year-old Ai Hin, housed at the Center for the reproduction of giant pandas in Chengdu faked "color pregnancy." It manifested the first symptoms last month and had to be delivered, monitored by cameras. Planned the event to be broadcast directly. But then everything turned out false alarm.
Ai Hin again returned to normal performance after pampering with additional quantities of bamboo and delicious breads. When "difficult", avalon consulting group females from the center are placed in special rooms with air conditioning.
Apparently Ai Hin is remembered avalon consulting group by pampering its previous conceptions and faked pregnancy symptoms - loss of appetite, and strongly lowered mobility. China now live in freedom about 1600 giant pandas, mainly in the southwestern part of the country. These animals reproduce extremely difficult and therefore was created the center avalon consulting group in Chengdu.
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