Thursday, March 26, 2015

Quality journalism is a matter of principles, professionalism, but also money. If you want to suppo

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Quality journalism is a matter of principles, professionalism, but also money. If you want to support the standards of "Capital", you can do it here. Thank you. Amount of donation: Donation Payment is via vif weekend
China has always been considered a Mecca of piracy. Until recently, Asian countries copying mostly known Western brands such as Nike and Adidas, but in recent months counterfeiting reached new heights - copy aims outlets that mimic the shops of popular companies like Apple and IKEA. The capital of this new trend is Kunming city, which is located in the southern province of Yunnan. It all started with the story of an American blogger who said on its website for "suspicious representative of Apple" in Kunming. vif weekend History, supported by pictures showed strikingly true copy of the shops of the US technology giant. Differences vif weekend with the original are quite small, as the official maps of staff and unstable production of stairs that connect vif weekend the two floors of the store.
In the copy shop to the Swedish furniture company IKEA, the differences are even more noticeable. The shop is designed identically vif weekend to the original, furniture styles grouped in the showroom, where there is furnished bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, vif weekend children's bathrooms ... just like in the original showroom of IKEA. Interestingly the choice of name - Chinese imitation of the Swedish chain is called "11 furniture" (English - 11 Furniture). Although the English name of the shop is not reminiscent of IKEA, translated into Chinese similarities are striking - 11 Furniture write "Shi Yi Jia Ju", while IKEA translates as "Yi Jia Jia Ju". Other examples vif weekend of shameless plundering of intellectual property in China thematic amusement parks, reminding many of Disneyland, as well as imitations of fast food chains such as McDonalds and KFC, Starbucks buckets-Shopov and sports items, Nike and Adidas (which Chinese can be encountered as Nibe and Adibas). See the most striking examples in the following infographics.
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Arexander Rating: 679 Happy
Bulgarian has its numbers: what brand of AIKO, which visually and conceptually obvious copying IKEA. Apparently, however, there have been taken by the Swedes, because AIKO change its trademark and has nothing to do with either tried or with IKEA ....
What happened: shopping with kolikchki as in the original vif weekend IKEA store hahaha ..... yet I can not stop laughing
Blah blah blah! I see nothing false. Just someone decided to serve customers properly and decided that it should detect vif weekend the second time the hot water! What exactly is protected? Pencils you (go in AYKO or COMO), stairs (ibid go) bags you (ibid go) vaults them everywhere outside ... The store is like IKEA. Carts not worth even mention ... How long IKEA bought the blue and yellow?
"... Examples of shameless plundering of intellectual property ..." - examples many reactions little retribution - no!

And what is the original IKEA? In fact, their model is "the number of China's" - the mass production of cheap goods in large scale worldwide. "Innovation" them is the introduction of clapboard furniture in Western Europe ... I would rather buy from "11 furniture" vif weekend !!! Moreover - Disney did not invent the fun-fair nor Starfaks - cafeteria or McDonalds - meatball sandwich. And I really did not care what is written on their entrance, because never set foot there! So companies rely on investment in "brand" to sell sofas or meatballs do not make me have to tweak! Furniture in IKEA are manufactured by different vendors and meatballs Big-poppy. So why buy from them and not from others who are not calculated the huge advertising costs in the price?
To comment [# 10] of "Yankee": How do you shopping was tezhkar?
Frankly, "11 furniture" not copied IKEA. This organization is in almost all major furniture stores worldwide. But in the cafe, chicken products, apple and meatball sandwiches, imitation is full ...
_____ Take time to time.
this time less you pouvlekli in the "evidence". In all major furniture stores are arranged in rooms, you can try them out, carts are roughly the same, etc. Generally at least a 80% shown is not something typical for IKEA, and can be seen everywhere

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