Saturday, July 5, 2014

10. Additionally, I would like to propose spring consulting group that the Rules of the House of Re

The King's Speech Debate Ceremony Yb Mohamed spring consulting group Azmin Ali | Gombak | Azmin Ali
1. Decrees I uphold you for His Majesty Yang Di - Pertuan Agong when the Opening Ceremony of the First Parliament of Malaysia which of the Thirteenth on June 25, 2013 last. Today I come to take part in the debate to raise the voice of the people in this House.
2. I responded faithfully to the recommendations of SPB YDP Agong said that Member - Member of this House has always been to preserve, protect and defend spring consulting group the Constitution spring consulting group and with emphasis on value - the value of integrity, accountability and good governance in the interest of the people.
3. Said I support the SPB YDP Agong reminding members spring consulting group - members of the House to respect and adhere spring consulting group to the principles - principles of democracy. By Robert A. Dahl Democracy is a political system that provides opportunities for citizens to participate in decision making and policy formulation. Thus participation includes descriptions of law - law, human rights and the formation of a government of the people as embodied by Abraham Lincoln.
4. Indeed, the Constitution and the National Law is the core of a democratic government. Instead, the Government will continue its weak dependence on the law - law of the jungle to guarantee the survival of their power. Thus, JUSTICE, and the Pakatan Rakyat continue to mandate the majority of Malaysians will continue to uphold and defend the Constitution spring consulting group and protect the sovereignty of our beloved country.
5. Efforts to enrich UMNO political blackmail and gempak been broken when 51% of Malaysians support Pakatan Rakyat and the fact that the real is the people's support for Umno and BN plummeted to 47% as demanded BN to form minority government.
6. JUSTICE, and the Pakatan Rakyat gets 51% of the popular vote behind the corruption spring consulting group and fraud in the electoral process sponsored by the Election Commission (EC). The issue of permanent ink that is permanent, aliens granted eligibility to vote, more than 60, 000 people picker status 'dubious spring consulting group voters', the existence of people who voted 2 times, the media is not free and cash bribes to buy votes. These have all been polluting the electoral process in Malaysia and the House demanding the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the EC immediately resign.
7. Agenda strengthening of democracy based on the supremacy of the constitution must be continued to be given the House of Representatives because it is fundamental to the formation of a national parliamentary spring consulting group democracy. This was reiterated in a speech Pemashyuran Independence by Tunku Abdul Rahman, said:
"... And that because spring consulting group of the Federal Constitution, then, there is provided the conditions to guard the rights and priorities, His Majesty, the King of Kings and the fundamental rights and freedoms of all the people of the Federation of Malaya to advance peace and peaceful and orderly as a government have a constitutional king based on parliamentary style democracy. "
8. Tekad Tan Sri himself the President to change, not only in design and design but also handling robe Council is a good start to cultivate the practice of parliamentary democracy that guarantees the principles of justice and freedom of expression. Come Tan Sri Speaker Sir, let us change, we reformed, if not us who else, if not now any longer, if not the Speaker Tan Sri another one, this time - right!
9. To implement the agenda spring consulting group to uphold or implement parliamentary reform, we have to review some rules hall lethargic and not progressive. The concept of 'votes inscription' used during the election of a new Speaker spring consulting group - the new element does not guarantee the secrecy of the vote and subject spring consulting group to manipulation and political pressure. This is not at all according to the tenets of democracy which stresses the importance of the element of transparency and secrecy in voting is held.
10. Additionally, I would like to propose spring consulting group that the Rules of the House of Representatives, Number 22 (2), which requires written notice with respect to all - all inquiries should be submitted to the Secretary within normal office spring consulting group hours by a member not later than 14 working days before the meeting . Answer oral questions should be sent so early cause we do not spawn issues - issues that emerged spring consulting group during the conference hall just before the start. For example, Member - Member of the House of Representatives can not ask questions about the haze emergency but also the Federal Government to advise overlooked SPB YDP Agong to include this issue in the text of the Royal decrees. Humidity and forgetfulness can not be

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