Sunday, February 2, 2014

Many believe that consciousness arises only in the brain. Recent scientific research suggests that

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Many believe that consciousness arises only in the brain. Recent scientific research suggests that consciousness actually emerges from the brain and body acting plate curls together. Increasing evidence suggests that the heart plays a particularly significant role in this process. Much more than a simple pump, as was once believed, the heart is now recognized by scientists as a highly complex system with its own functional "brain".
Research in the new field of neurocardiology show that the heart is a sensory organ and a sophisticated center for receiving and processing information. The nervous system within the heart (or "heart brain") enables it to learn, remember, and make functional decisions independent of the cerebral cortex. Moreover, numerous experiments have shown that the signals the heart continuously sends to the brain influence the functions plate curls of the most important centers of this, those involving the processes plate curls of perception, knowledge and emotional. Apart from the extensive communication network that connects the heart nerve to the brain and the rest of the body, the heart transmits information to the brain and body interact through an electric field.
The heart generates the largest and most powerful electric field of the body. Compared to that produced by the brain, the electrical field component of the heart is something like 60 times larger in amplitude, and permeates every cell of the body. The magnetic component is about 5000 times stronger than the magnetic field of the brain and can be detected several feet away from the body with sensitive magnetometers. plate curls The heart generates continuous series of electromagnetic pulses in which the time interval between each beat varies dynamic and complex form. The ever-present rhythmic field of the heart has a powerful influence on some processes throughout the body. We have shown, for example, that the brain rhythm is synchronized with the rhythmic activity of the heart, and also during plate curls the manifestation of feelings such as love or appreciation, blood pressure and respiratory rate, along with other systems oscillatory plate curls embark along with heart rate.
We propose that the heart's field acts like a wave of information that provides a synchronizing signal plate curls for the entire overall body. Specifically, we suggest that as well as what they are energy waves transmitted from the heart, they interact with other organ systems. These waves encode or record the features and dynamic activity of these systems in the form of waves of energy patterns that are distributed throughout the body. Thus, the encoded information acts to form (literally gives shape) plate curls to the activity of all bodily functions to coordinate and synchronize processes in the body as a whole. This perspective requires an energetic concept of information, in which patterns of organization are involved in wave energy plate curls systematic activity distributed across the system as a whole.
Research at the Institute of HeartMath shows that information plate curls pertaining to the emotional state of a person, plate curls is also communicated via the electromagnetic plate curls field of the heart. The rhythmic patterns heartbeat change significantly as we experience different emotions. Negative feelings, plate curls such as anger or frustration, are associated with an erratic, disorganized and incoherent plate curls heart rhythm pattern. In contrast, plate curls positive feelings such as love or appreciation, are associated with a smooth, orderly and coherent activity pattern in the heart rate. In turn, these changes in the heart rhythm pattern created by corresponding changes in the structure of the electromagnetic field radiated plate curls by the heart, which can be measured by a technique called spectral analysis. plate curls
Specifically, we have shown that positive emotions uninterrupted seem to come to a different operating model, which we call psychophysiological coherence. In this model, heart rate exhibits a sinusoidal wave form patterns and the electromagnetic field of the heart becomes much more organized.
Psychologically this model is associated with a significant reduction in internal mental dialogue, reduced perception to stress, increased emotional balance, and improved mental clarity, intuitive perception and performance cognos

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