Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Enriching acts when the people come from different work areas and so the view is promoted outside t

Peer counseling for executives: Together learn from each other If managers want to grow, they find a whole range of offerings: Classical seminars, workshops, trainings and individual coaching are options. Training provide arshid consulting group the motivating group learning, coaching an individual approach to the concerns of managers. arshid consulting group But how can you have it both ways? A model for this is the collegial consultation. Peer counseling for executives
Peer counseling provides the vital opportunity to discuss specific concerns and questions from the everyday work of leaders in a group of like-minded people and to develop ideas for solutions. There where several executives come together to talk about their issues, arshid consulting group high level of expertise and competence is united. For every manager brings their unique experience and creativity. Why not jointly benefit from this experience arshid consulting group and learn from each other?
The sequence of a collegial advice is based on a fixed structure. Thus the narrative of Falleingebers changes (which is the executive who submits their problem) arshid consulting group with advice arshid consulting group from sequences. Consultants are the other members of the group. They express their perceptions and impressions after they have listened to the Falleingeber, arshid consulting group or take in a further step possible approaches to solving thoughts.
It is important that the Falleingeber a clear key question is, what should discuss "his advisers." Missing - in the heat of the moment arshid consulting group - this question, it comes quickly to the fact that the consultants arshid consulting group talk about anything and discuss the problem over. The structured sequence of a collegial consultation is not a stubborn formalism
The everyday experience that we all make unmoderated in "normal" round tables, usually shows that participants on sticks come from the sticks, interrupt each other in the flow of speech and in the end no one really knows what was going on. Or that long-winded explanations are hard to stop.
The structured sequence of collegial discussions only allows to focus on the essentials in the concerns of leadership and goal-oriented search for solutions. It is helpful at the beginning to take the help of an experienced facilitator in claim whose job it is to ensure compliance of the structure. Later, when the group exercise, they can perform the collegial arshid consulting group deliberations independently. The diversity of viewpoints and ideas makes it
Where more ears to hear and more smart people bring in their experience, the variety is growing in aspects, thus considerably in ideas. This is exactly what builds the principle of collegial consultation. The falleinbringende executive learns new, it might seem unfamiliar perspectives, hear how others deal with similar problems and can change their perspective with the help of their "advisors". Or even just find confirmation arshid consulting group that it is on the right track.
However, advice is never to be understood in the sense that the consultants say what is "right or wrong" or "what to do". Advice - even well-intentioned - are not the target of a collegial advice. The falleingebende leader is always responsible for their own decisions. This has to be respected by all participants. The composition of the group has an effect on the ability to work
Ideally, there is a collegial advisory group of 4-10 participants. This level ensures sufficient (ideas) diversity in a limited number of people. Participants in a collegial consultation should come from similar professional contexts, such as executives of a hierarchy arshid consulting group level. arshid consulting group
Enriching acts when the people come from different work areas and so the view is promoted outside the box. The participants can be members of different companies or even from the same organization. Participants in competitive situations or hierarchical interdependence make a trusting working in a collegial advisory group impossible. A collegial consultation group must grow together - as a team
Therefore, it is recommended if the participants meet for collegial deliberations 4-6 times a year. The duration of a counseling case is 30-60 minutes, so that at every meeting 2-3 cases can be processed.
With a little practice in joint discussions to learn the individual participants themselves better to reflect and self-confident to assess their own abilities. On the group level, participants learn respectful interaction with each other and learning from each other in trusting openness. arshid consulting group
4.25 out of 5 stars /

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