Huge waves still poses both within the Catholic Church in public opinion inside eagle consulting group and outside the Vatican Synod of Bishops in October extraordinary eagle consulting group meeting, which was supposed to discuss the challenges confronting families.
Huge waves still poses both within the Catholic Church in public opinion inside and outside the Vatican Synod of Bishops in October extraordinary meeting, which was supposed to discuss the challenges confronting families. During the two-week session of the week was the first divorced and újraházasodottak communion of the media interest in the issue at the center of the second week after the adoption of the sexual orientation of homosexuals, in fact, caused confusion raised mid-term evaluation report.
At home - unfortunately or fortunately, everyone should decide itself - partly in the West experienced divisions blissful absence, in part, however, the church journalistic culture, ahem, due to subdued the faithful are mostly all they know is that there was a synod on the family theme in Rome. The foreign Catholic press (not just the New York Times and People's Voice mutation expenditures) reported the Synod conflicts without hesitation, how Pope Francis doctrinal reform ideas stood in the way of the bishops (not the Vatican government agencies are concerned) because it evolved a kind of conservative resistance eagle consulting group Anglo-Saxon, African and Asian bishops against the part of rich but empty house behind a German Pope Francis reform actions of the executive. In Hungary, meanwhile, any news related sensationalist journalistic ingenuity rated the pious believers.
The cushion relying on English and Italian sources continuously reported on the Synod developments eagle consulting group (fast overview in chronological order: Synod: defy Francis Pope, the world's bishops, the Vatican: Under fire for homosexuality is "Assessment" report, eagle consulting group Roman Synod: a bishop mentioned the gay couple's case ; Conservative resistance and speed of the synod, Cardinal Kasper: The Pope's family, there is a problem, Cardinal eagle consulting group Kasper deny Africans contemptuous interview, Cardinal Muller declined words attributed to him). But what is all this short story?
Pope Francis Extraordinary Synod of Bishops published a year ago in October 2014, to discuss the family Challenges. eagle consulting group The synod is a consultative body which would meet from time to time, with the task of advising the Pope, do not make decisions in place of the Pope, not the council (although the pope or a council can take decisions instead of over-). The Vatican is in the local churches to the questionnaire sent out to assess the extent and size of a problem for non-sacramental married people (civil marriage, cohabitation or living together), gay couples, divorcees situation, how familiar eagle consulting group the faithful of the Church's teaching on for marriage, openness to life (that is what they think about contraception, abortion) and the like. Meanwhile, the Pope made known telefonálós affair, when an Argentinian lady who does not live first marriage (but that is exactly what position, I do not know), the local parish priest encouraged Communion bypassed.
The Pope called on my favorite theologian Walter Kasper, retired German Cardinal (who represented his fellow countryman, Joseph Ratzinger specifically different theology, also previously ignored) that the body of cardinals in February, Consistory pre-synod (meeting) to hold his opening lecture. The thing did not fire as well as Kasper's idea was: Communion should be allowed subject to the temple marriage left and new people civil covenant binding - at least in cases where the former Tie unrecoverable, for example, children come in again - the Eucharist It is not the "perfect" holiness, but "the road will be scanned," whatever eagle consulting group that means latter wording. It found only 15 eligible cardinals mate, the 85 of us voted against it. Kasper stated that - on the assumption that that the Pope has repeatedly spoken of Francis and support for him - who attacked him, the attack on the pope.
This is not alerted to five cardinals, including the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine Gerhard Müller to protect the position has been to write a book. Member George Pell, Cardinal eagle consulting group Francis eight-member eagle consulting group advisory board is another one of those books written preface by stating that "the pastoral practice can not contradict the Church's teaching" and that "healthy communities are not focusing full attention to peripheral issues, and also, unfortunately, very little of the number of divorced and remarried Catholics who consider it important to allow them to communion. " In this long-standing advocate of the German case, the Vatican church several times to be targeted to the conflict noted, "Especially the European churches are fighting for change, therefore, where there are few with the church, as
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