The Swedish model Reloaded 27 March 2014, 15:53 Author: Bell Tags: health playfod care, welfare playfod state, retirees, the pension system, the Swedish tax system, the Swedish model Send 16 Print this Post
The articles posted on this blog regularly get cold, warm the anti-capitalist playfod critics. Correction, just cold. When these principles of unworkable alternatives are shown to it (ex-socialist camp, North Korea, Cuba), then the answer is silence, or visszapöckölik that you can not sweep away all criticism of Cuba and Korea. But it is possible.
I wrote earlier that domestic statist rather lopsided interpretation of the Swedish model, but now you examine it a little better, the Swedish "socialism" playfod if you use that word critics. I believe the same: if you just try to put in place a political elite used the Swedish model, the anti-capitalist playfod comrades visítanának the loudest.
Let us be clear: the Swedish model of the part, with regard to the adóelvonást around 50% and redistribution has long been realized here. It is therefore necessary to examine what is, by contrast, which makes it operational in the Swedish case, which does not work here.
First of all, we have a market economy for generations socialized-hardened, self-conscious civil society that holds it for granted that the state can not serve and imagine the serfs generous subjects of the civil state interests. Unfortunately this item can not be helped quickly, society can not be set to a mode other gesture, but circumstances may be developed to facilitate the tightness in the direction of civilization. playfod Unfortunately, our attempts in this direction have been suppressed for the last hundred years in the bud.
But staying in the Swedish case. As I have written about previously, the disclosure laws effectively prevented the political elite to the large redistribution in the midst of their own pockets degeszre stuff. This is perhaps the comrades would welcome, this is not the item that makes irtóznának, but what He then will be discussed.
The Swedish government does not intend to make of the economy protagonist. In addition to collecting taxes, not prevent, on the contrary, is sweeping way for businesses to maintain tough market competition for profit, the source of the welfare state. They compete on price and quality, not like us, corruption. So the economy is in free market competition, not kissing capitalism.
All decent pension expert knows that the pension system is unsustainable, and so it was twenty-five years in the Swedish case as well. However, they have met, discussed and sustainability playfod converted responsible for the political parties. Each political party is responsible for signing - typically the Communists kivételével- and abide by it, not demagogic promises made to pensioners to hunt for votes. The pensions may be paid only as much as is in the works for contributions. If a crisis due to falling incomes, pensions will decrease as well, so there is no tricky indexation, which would allow more in the coffers to spend than what you hit. The introduction of such a system would bring an immediate reduction in pensions, as well as in the Swedish case was but a society of responsible politicians responsible decision does not cause social playfod problems.
You remember here in this last election campaign, when the Fidesz, the Socialist accused each other that they want to keep the Swedish pension system. playfod Already this step is visítanának loud anti-capitalist comrades.
The Health Insurance Fund contributions are incoming Everyone deserves the same level of medical care. This is fine but, I will list some of the items visit fee that must be paid to the person who uses the services of the EU.
The Swedish case when someone took a home loan, but does not pay the repayments, you do not have any government bailout, but also the most natural process evicted. In such a case there is almost no, because this is the case, management is responsible for the customer presses.
There, if an apartment owner does not pay the overheads common, shared costs, after three requests auctioned off his apartment. There's no slob, irresponsible residential unpaid costs be attributed to other residents.
If someone does not pay their rent, they evicted. The only social system based on means testing to help him, they can not demand too, and if you do not cooperate, you do not pay him anything. As a side note, approx. 5% of the black economy and therefore in the public income tax return is true, so the relatively accurately determine indigence, unlike here, where there is money poured into the utterance, which should not.
The Swedish "socialism" So, you do not start (t), taking playfod their cattle high taxes, then depending on the weather the political wind to divide it, who is dear to our hearts, it is usually poured into a relentless, expensive and contacts