Increasingly frequent stories are (from documentaries to fiction) presented to us through multiple how to make chocolate curls for garnish media and communication platforms where we can often interact and participate in the construction of the story itself.
In this edition of UOCMeet we approach the concept of Transmedia from a practical perspective. We have different visions and examples of projects carried out under this big umbrella and discussion with the creators of the most important aspects of a new way of understanding and developing the story.
Antoni Roig (@ toniroigtelo) is a senior lecturer at the UOC. Telecommunications engineer and graduate in Audiovisual Communication from the Universitat Ramon Llull. He earned a doctorate in 2008 in the Information Society and Knowledge UOC with the thesis how to make chocolate curls for garnish "Towards collaborative film: cultural practices and participatory forms of production." Since 1999 he is professor of the Faculty of Information how to make chocolate curls for garnish and Communication, where he is currently director of the undergraduate and postgraduate how to make chocolate curls for garnish studies in Audiovisual Communication Innovation in media creation. He is a member of the research group Mediaccions oriented how to make chocolate curls for garnish to the study of communication and culture. Robert Figueras (@ robertfigueras), holds a Masters in Business Administration from ESADE (98). He worked 4 years in Investment Banking Corporate Finance, banks Merrill Lynch and ABN AMRO. In 2004 he performed program management one year at the New York Film Academy in London, and in 2005, completed 9 Point Producer how to make chocolate curls for garnish Course for New Producers Alliance. As Director Transmedia has launched the interactive series for smartphones and Internet tablets 'Treasure Hunt', produced by Filmutea, with the support of Ministry of Culture (ICAA), and part of the first comprehensive transmedia fiction project the state Spanish Panzer Chocolate, centered around a feature introduced worldwide in late 2013.
Mireia Casajuana Fernando and Company (@ 2puntllibre) is a project based in Girona transmdia. Mix literature with new audiovisual media. Through various short stories show readers how they can be interpreted in different ways. Based on a story written exclusively for the project, which tells a story happened in the same city where the facts are developed. The narrative is fragmented into several parts and these are represented in a number how to make chocolate curls for garnish of different platforms. All steps are located in urban areas, libraries, local shops and finally municipal library, where you will find the full original story.
George Perez (@ jordipereztwit) is Artistic Director of 'La Vilella', a space for the performing how to make chocolate curls for garnish arts is where training, research, creation and exhibition set up in an old factory siphons. He is also the director-actor in 'I how to make chocolate curls for garnish Am Theatre Studio studio training for the actor.
Arnau Gifreu (@ AGIF) is a professor, researcher and producer in the field of audiovisual and multimedia. PhD in Communication and MA in Digital Arts from the University Pompeu Fabra. Degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Researcher affiliated with the Comparative Media Studies / Open Documentary Lab at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and a member of the group-docs how to make chocolate curls for garnish (University of the West of England). Professor at the University of Vic (UVIC) and consultant at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). He also serves as a teacher in various postgraduate courses, how to make chocolate curls for garnish emphasizing the Master in Theory and Practice of Creative Documentary and Masters in Design and Management of Audiovisual Production (UAB). He has published several book chapters and articles on their area of research, interactive and non-fiction transmedia and the specific case of the interactive documentary. He has collaborated in the organization of several editions of Musiclip Festival how to make chocolate curls for garnish (2009-2011), coordinated e-Week (Week Digital Vic 2012), InterDocs Barcelona (Barcelona Docs, 2013) and the Multimedia how to make chocolate curls for garnish Workshop (EPS, UVIC, 2012-2013). He has also been collaborating European Youth Festival Award (ICNM 2011-2012, Austria) and a member of the International Commission / Territory of "Barcelona Cultural Laboratory" (BLC).
"February April March 2014 Mon dt. wed. thu. Fri SD. Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 EC Recent UOCmeet: how to make chocolate curls for garnish New models in the management of the Culture Pictures and Video UOCmeet Transmedia: New Transmedia Narratives: New Narratives UOCmeet Chronicle: Economy collaborative how to make chocolate curls for garnish UOCmeet: Economy collaborative UOCmeet: Eating social networks and e-Health: The health of the public service. Instruments of empowerment and social action in March 2014 Archives (3