Sunday, May 11, 2014

The formation mechanism of the disease: Although various causal factors set forth the exact cause o

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Home Your Baby and You Sexual Diseases Pregnancy Birth Control Birth and postnatal problems? Pregnancy Ultrasound Abortion Obstetrics Menstrual Period Breast flavor trends Disease Menopause Cervical flavor trends Disease Urogynecology IVF - Infertility Diet - Beauty flavor trends - Exercise Non Go ... Home Your Baby and You Sexual Diseases Pregnancy - Birth Control - Birth and postnatal problems? - Ultrasound in Pregnancy - Abortion Obstetrics - Menstrual Period - Breast Disease - Menopause - Cervical Disorders - Urogynecology IVF - Infertility Diet - Beauty - Exercise flavor trends Non-
Definition of overactive bladder, in the absence of infection or other pathology, usually an increase in frequency of urination and getting up at night to urinate frequently associated with urge incontinence, whether or not containing jam is a symptom syndrome.
Continence: The appropriate and socially acceptable voluntary discharge or necessary ability to continue storing urine continence is defined as. Bladder; The large increase in urine volume indicates the capacity to adapt to. Average capacity is 350-550 ml. Intravesical pressure flavor trends during filling with minimal or no change. Remove pressure of 30-40 cmH2O contraction instantly. The first voiding sensation: 150-300 ml revealed. Striated sphincter and somatic pathways kontinansd is the most important part.
Quality of life, how will this affect?: Social relations division, stigmatization shy-frustration, loss of confidence skin integrity degradation (urinary theme), frequent urinary tract infections, flavor trends isolation, depression, faith in fulfilling the challenge flavor trends of hospitalization requirement increased 2.5 times more nursing home admission (Lange flavor trends 2002)
Does applying each patient urine kidnapper? Notice lack the shy, community values, religious flavor trends values, false beliefs, surgery, fear of postpartum urinary incontinence is normal intellectual, health centers, limited access, insufficient inquiry-scan information, the patients, only 25% of this complaint refers.
Incidence of the disease (epidemiology) in the United States is a condition that affects 33 million flavor trends adults. Women and 16.9% in men and 16% of observed. More females than in males under 60 years of age, in males than females over the age of 60.
Risk Factors: The most important risk factor for aging and neurological problems (stroke, Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's, MS), spinal cord injury (Multiple sclerosis, spinal stenosis, disc herniation, trauma), diabetes assets (diabetic neuropathy), obesity, menopause ( E2 axis), mode of delivery and multiparity, Prolapse, Ürolithiasis, the presence of radiation-exposure are important flavor trends risk factors. flavor trends
The formation mechanism of the disease: Although various causal factors set forth the exact cause of the disease is unknown. Because the clinical and placed according to symptoms. Today, three theories have been suggested for overactive bladder. The first theory, the "myogenic theory" to describe the involuntary detrusor contractions are associated flavor trends with changes in smooth muscle.
2 theories: "neurogenic theory": central inhibitory pathways in the brain or spinal cord injury or peripheral afferent nerve endings in the bladder voiding reflex sensitivity may reveal an increase in primitive, it may trigger hyperactivity of the detrusor muscle. 3 The main theory on this subject is "autonomous bladder theory" is. Detrös runs as a stand-alone unit. Each unit called myovezikal plexus is supported by interstitial cells. Normal autonomic activity during bladder filling, emptying of the bladder occurs in the form of relaxation and sensory phasic. In this mechanism, deterioration in pathological conditions excitatory and inhibitory inputs and followed by imbalances in output flavor trends in the detrusor muscle hyperactivity occurs.
Story: Urine jam?, Birth type and number?, Pinch incontinence?, Voiding increase in the frequency?, Frequent night urine removal?, Pad use?, Past history of DM?, Neurological damage (stroke, spinal cord injury, surgery, MS , Parkinson's disease)?, drug therapies flavor trends (diuretics)?; Dietary habits (assessment and treatment flavor trends of caffeine that can help, such as fluid intake), radiotherapy story? should always be sought.
Revision of the system: the patient when assessing diabetes, kidney problems, neurological conditions such as mobility problems, which led to a general medical condition and impair quality of life with health problems should be examined. Physical Examination: In addition flavor trends to routine physical examination, neurological examination should be performed in these patients. Also in terms of vaginal atrophy and prolapse of pelvic examination should be performed. Speculum & bimanual examination: vaginal atrophy? Prolapse?, Bladder pressure? (Myoma, Tm, adenomyosis) in terms of pelvic examination should be performed.
Assays & polls: most of these patients do a

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