Monday, October 14, 2013

Make sure the pan is really hot, add the sunflower pink lady food photographer of the year oil and

I and her husband pink lady food photographer of the year celebrated 12 years of bryllaupsdag last weekend. The actual pink lady food photographer of the year day was on Sunday, but we jumped the gun with a 3-course menu on Saturday pink lady food photographer of the year evening. When we got married, we had halibut on the menu. Every year since, unless we have been home and it has pas, so we had fish on the wedding our day. This time there was power Cod that enticed us and so we had cheese for starters pink lady food photographer of the year and exotic fruit for dessert.
The main course and dessert are taken from Øyvind Hjelle's book "Gourmet for beginners." This book is full of great tips, wonderful satisfaction pink lady food photographer of the year of recipes and tips for how one can set the menus together. What I welcomed me most to this menu was to taste the chorizo vinaigrette pink lady food photographer of the year for cod and limesukkert the fruit! And so I welcomed myself told to put me down in company with his girlfriend and enjoy good food and drink!
This appetizer is easy to prepare and most can be made well in advance. I chose a good save cheddar, but you can of course take the cheese you want. If you are not so fond of strong ostar may well take a mild norvegia and you are the more daring battle takes you a sharp cheese like the smell and taste! Cut the cheese into thick slices and good with a knife, and then into small squares.
Arrange cheese on a nice platter. Put a drop of acacia honey on each piece of cheese and put in on a walnut. Add situated on green platter for decoration. Remember that the cheese tastes best when it is well tempered. Have like a little bowl of acacia honey by since if one wants to have a little extra to dip in.
Her husband is fond of good beer to food, so I thought he would try Slogen-beer from Troll Brewery is a microbrewery in Liabygda in Sunnmøre. This type Wikipedia about the brewery, "Troll Brewery is a microbrewery in Liabygda, located in the beach community of Sunnmøre. pink lady food photographer of the year The brewery started in 2009. It is operated and owned by Kjartan Lied and Jørund Ringset. The brewery produces five types of real ale shop in strength, under the trademark Slogen. The brewery produced 30,000 liters in 2011 ". Slogen is also a mountain in mi home municipality, Ørsta. It is 1564 meters and in 1884 said William Cecil Slingsby, the mountain was "... one of the proudest in Europe".
Toast the pine nuts in a dry pan and put them aside. Remove the skin of chorizo, cut it and apricot into small cubes. Put olive oil in a hot steikjepanne and let chorizo saute until it gets some color. pink lady food photographer of the year Keep in aprikosterningane and lemon juices. Crush the coriander seeds (use a mortar and pestle or the bottom of a saucepan) and have them in the pan.
Towards the end of the lead roast you in kvitlølken to provide a vinaigrette raw kvitløksnyanse. Put pine nuts, scallions and thyme in the end. Turn down the heat and let it all cook on low heat for about 10 minutes. Chorizo dice should be golden and soft when they are ready - not small, hard lumps! Just before serving, squeeze some sitrondråpar over.
Share cauliflower into small pieces and put them in a saucepan. Pour over the milk and let the cauliflower simmer until tender, 10-12 minutes. Milk ensures that cauliflower contains the extra white and mellow flavor. Lift the cauliflower and place in a bowl / measuring cup. Add the olive oil, lemon and a good pinch of salt together with cauliflower. Drive with stavmiksaren until it becomes a completely steady and fine puree. Pure for soft, dilute with a little olive oil and a bit of milk to cooked cauliflower in. milk permits you can put in the refrigerator or freezer in a box or a plastic bag and use as a base for cauliflower soup later!
Make sure the pan is really hot, add the sunflower pink lady food photographer of the year oil and roast fillet on the "nice" side first (skin side). Let the fish get nice frying crust. Avoid the fish sits firmly on his forehead in that you push a little on fillet while the roasts and make sure it is fresh oil below. You do not need to have his forehead on full all the time.
Turn fillets and add the uskrella kvitløksfedda his forehead. Turn down the heat a little. Add the butter. Sprinkle with 4 pinches of Maldon salt and give the fish a few rounds with the pepper mill. Set pan aside. Use a spoon and aus butter that is in the pan over fillets. Place on aluminum foil and let the fish pull the pan until done, 3-5 minutes, depending on the thick filet.
Before an income dessert, it may be wise to stretch your legs, acquainted with the couch and reminisce about the wedding, cooking good coffee and light several candles. The dessert is the way want to make before one starts with dinner preparations. The exotic fruit salad is best if he can stand and marinate for up to two hours. It must in any case rest for at least 30 minutes.
Peel the fruit and cut into rough bits (chunks) and put them in a deep platter or a wide bowl. Tear the AV two limes. Put 200g sugar in a hurtighakkar and add lime peel. Run the mixture until the sugar turns green and "splotchy". Sprinkle limesukkert over the fruit and let it sit for godgjere in a half hour, up to three hours. pink lady food photographer of the year Lime sugar will melt and draw liquid out of the fruit, which will form a delicious fruit lake.

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