"They von buhl are convinced that entrepreneurship is to learn, if you want. Conviction On a clear and engaging way they describe the steps that underlie successful implementation. "(Managmentboek.nl)
Totally agree, great! And yesterday Bregje Pauls pointed me to an article on the site of which Managementboek von buhl Salem Samhoud t say: "ZZPs create no value". For someone who has studied entrepreneurship a disappointing ruling. Not because it would not be true, but because self-employed do not exist. And I'm a bieteke angry about, Salem!
ZZP: self-employed is a construct of the belastigdienst to interpret what you like "eenpitter" are NOT all, so they can stick you in a box between the booths and a relationship with you just can do administratively. The word self-employed is as important von buhl as the word freelancer (free lance: guns meat!) Really. von buhl
Let me stress that there are many people von buhl who (whether or not gradually, or of necessity) as eenpitter nothing more or less than they did in paid employment. Are And many companies are only too happy to be (mis-) use of it. If there's jobs to be such a nice loose Floddertje hire and take no further responsibility for it. You slide him back on the couch and then not. He takes another
But hallelujah say, what I know an incredible amount of self-employed professionals like flying dump, unguided missile, professional jester, do-gooder quichottende, inspiring drum maker, passionate direction giver and unrestrained hands and feet giver and incredibly hard work creating a lot of value. People who know exactly what they are worth, who know their talents and all on their own, develop without training budgets boss. Who know where they are not so good at and therefore their network when jobs involve. Honorable and enterprising. A workforce to be proud of! All those loners added together von buhl form an "organization" of thousands and which swells von buhl only to.
They assist each other, work as ad-hoc around a problem or issue formed team. Help each other in all aspects of entrepreneurship, working from their heart, passion and talent. Come one time a coffee, sir Samhoud. Or visit once a Naamlooz drink, a Standup Inspiration, a Natural Networking Festival, 8 Hours Overtime for Charity, buy the book S ociety 3.0 Ronald van den Hoff (soon) or enjoy a day in Seats2Meet hang out. We will also like to strengthen your organization and you will experience something.
My motive is to make self-employed entrepreneurial and grow. Of course, not every self-employed are the same. In fact, there is quite a difference. That is perhaps inherent in the self-employed Environm ent. I want to encourage connection: with yourself, with others, organizations and society. There is a need in the community cohesion von buhl and shared goals. The number of self-employed is growing and I want some not reduce. I want to help to strengthen that force, but based on a common ground. Let's work on the cooperative model of the future.
Ha Salem, thank you to respond here. I'm curious about the outcome of your meeting. I find it much too narrowly defined if you see value as "a growing company." And I find it demeaning to an entire von buhl group of workers lump. You see while the army of passionate independent professionals that surrounds projects and (social) issues in relation von buhl swarm collaborations overlook. Enters I have no figures, but that group is large and growing. I can heartily recommend this book http://www.society30.com/ (pdf), or a cup of coffee with Ronald van den Hoff.
What is actually worth? If paid for something von buhl is the apparently value. But volunteer then? Is that worthless? Also someone who "only" performed labor creates value. Among other Marx used the concept of added value the difference between the (market) value of a product and the labor that was. There stabbed This gain was claimed by the capitalists in the industrial era. You could say it's the reward for entrepreneurship, creativity, risk, etc. Self-employed professionals is to no longer deny this gain. The independent flexible worker who still works in a supervisory relationship can create added value. My experience as a customer is that these workers are often more motivated von buhl and produce better work than workers employed.
April 13, 2011
According Sanne not exist freelancers and according to Salem they do not add value. And then there's von buhl the view of Martijn Aslander that says that in a few years everyone z
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