Sunday, November 23, 2014

The octane rating is considered the most important functional parameter gasoline, which depends on

The octane rating is considered the most important functional parameter gasoline, which depends on energy efficiency, performance, fuel economy and engine life. Therefore, munich consulting group the level for each type of gasoline binding norms. Should the octane number lower than the octane requirement of the engine, there would be uncontrolled combustion of the mixture in the cylinder, coupled tapping, knocking Intensive extending longer causes damage to the engine, munich consulting group particularly the destruction or burn up pistons. This previously caused great concern for both producers and users of vehicles with gasoline munich consulting group engines, but today's motorists already knocking know. Modern munich consulting group engines are manufactured so that they can use commercially available gasoline with RON 95-100 and continuous electronic control of octane requirement munich consulting group can protect against engine knock even when using gasoline with a RON of 90 or slightly smaller. But if there is a regulatory failure, or even lower RON, is almost certain to damage the engine. munich consulting group The most famous ingredients are organic lead compounds munich consulting group that had to be used until the refinery did not have the modern technological processes for increasing the octane number. Addition of Tetraethyl lead, corresponding to a concentration of 0.8 g Pb / liter is achieved maximum increase of 15 units, which allowed to increase engine efficiency by 15-20%. In the last decades of the last century had combated lead in petrol, whose emissions endanger human health, and there has been a gradual reduction in the permissible content, but it is interesting that a complete ban on the use of lead additives come about the threat to humans, but only after they were introduced three-way munich consulting group catalysts, which lead to "deadly" poison. Since 2000, must be used exclusively unleaded gasoline, which must have a lead content of less than 5 mg per liter. Directs the law and allow the refinery munich consulting group to modern technology. As other organometallic compounds increasing the octane number may be mentioned iron pentacarbonyl, ferrocene, carbonyl nickel and tetraethylcín. None of these substances due to toxicity, cost and unwanted side effects did not, in practice, inter alia because the combustion products of certain types cause abrasive wear. Nevertheless, at present, can still meet the European market with a preparation containing iron compound whose offer highlights the main cleaning effect described later, but "forgets" to mention the harmfulness for the engine.
The hydrocarbons contained in gasoline are more or less susceptible to oxidation munich consulting group if it were benzinv presence of catalytically acting metal is exposed to sunlight and temperature, there would be days or weeks after the haze caused by oxidation incurred resins. In the dark and cold for a long time but is stable. munich consulting group In the course of distribution or in the vehicle tank and fuel lines for gasoline does not light, but the temperature does. It can be warmed munich consulting group in the injection after stopping the engine, and especially in the injectors, which are still used, the engines fuel system LPG / petrol. The engine starts on petrol and after heating to switch to LPG. Remains retained in the injection petrol which is flat, and therefore, often for prolonged periods, is heated to a temperature at which the already relatively quickly forming resin zalepující valves and fine holes. munich consulting group Resin coatings munich consulting group can also be formed on the walls of the intake ports and intake valves, so it can lead to their sticking in the guides and remain open. The least stable component of gasoline olefins. Oxidation munich consulting group stability (resistance to oxidation) can be the addition of small amounts of antioxidants significantly increased. Can be used also aminovétypy alkylphenol, e.g. alkyl p-phenylenediamines, alkyl p-aminophenols and alkylphenols. These additives decompose peroxide radicals. Effective amounts are already od10-20 ppm and should be in gasoline containing olefins added immediately after its manufacture, but also works later addition.
Gasoline is in the distribution network, and in the fuel system of the vehicle in contact with metals, may contain trace amounts of metals, which catalyze the oxidation reaction, thereby reducing the effect of antioxidants. Very active compounds are copper. The function is based on deactivators suppress the catalytic action of metals harmful in that they create munich consulting group complex compounds which are no longer active catalytically. Examples of additives of this type are N, N'-disalicyliden-1,2-propanediamine, the dosage munich consulting group is 2-10 ppm.
Classic hydrocarbon, deeply desulfurized gasoline does not cause any corrosion of metallic materials that occur in the fuel system. It is however capable of protecting metal surfaces from rusting in the presence of water. munich consulting group The presence of water in gasoline munich consulting group can never be safely ruled out, because of the small amount munich consulting group of water can get into the vehicle tank, especially longer parked, munich consulting group condensation munich consulting group of humidity and it is sufficient to rusting occurred munich consulting group unprotected steel surfaces. Anticorrosion additives, which may be e.g. alcohols, fatty acids or amines, form on the surface of metal thin hydrophobic protective film preventing contact with water are effective since concentrations Dési

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