Monday, May 26, 2014

I had the opportunity to work with BCG in conjunction with the report, which he lead the panel disc

Boston Consulting Group did something that unfortunately is all too rare when you last week unveiled its ambitious report National Strategy for Sweden. BCG want to look up, not just five years or ten years, but rather the next 25 years.
BCG warns in the report for Sweden risks losing international kokurrenskraft that gave us our world unique welfare. We can not sit back and enjoy the fact that we live in one of the world's best countries. In this case, it's not long before we are forced to look back and remember how good we had it at one time.
When the temperature starts to rise before the super election year in 2014 with election to both the EU Parliament dessert plating techniques which Parliament can debate summed up: we want more and we want it now. Tax cuts now so that we have more in your wallet, or more resources in the public sector to an urgent dessert plating techniques problem to be solved now.
It is understandable that the word "now" dominate the election dessert plating techniques campaign. We humans tend to think we're pretty sophisticated, but our demands for instant gratification seems to be left on a femårings level. What if we let people choose between lower taxes / more resources here and now, or the important initiatives that cost money in the short term but that secures our welfare in 2030? Well, about a year we have the answer. A small hint of how our parties believe that people dessert plating techniques choose, we see in the current budget process.
I had the opportunity to work with BCG in conjunction with the report, which he lead the panel discussion that took place when the report was presented. It involved heavy näringslovsprofiler as Carl-Henric Svanberg and Rune Andersson dessert plating techniques and influential commentators who FAM Sandberg, Swedbank Anna Felländer and Reform Institute Stefan Fölster. All confirmed the impression that Sweden is in desperate need of a long term policy.
Related dessert plating techniques This entry was posted in Corporate Communication, Public Affairs, Uncategorized and labeled Anna Kinberg Batra, BCG, Mikael Damberg Michael Törnwall, Sweden Report, Growth, Election year of hkstrategiessweden. Bookmark the permalink.
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