Twitter has the last year been the biggest talking ice in social mj baker foodservice media, not only in the world but also in Norway. Now, about one year after the "discovery" of Twitter in Norway, we think it was appropriate to go in depth on how the Norwegian profile peas twittrere use of the tool, channel, technology, etc.
We were based in 11 different Norwegian and prolific twitterers. They were selected on the basis of who they were and what they are doing on a daily basis. mj baker foodservice That is the very opposite of a random sample. And it is important to emphasize that this is not an attempt at academic somersaults, call it rather a glimpse into a channel, lighter look?!
Anyway, The 11 were: Aksel Lund Svindal - (shaft Svindal) Alpinist, follo wing 45 / followers 8220 Are Kalvø - (are_Kalvo) Celebrity, follo wing 3437 / followers 10602 Arnstein Larsen (arnsteinlarsen) Mr Twitter, Following 2750 / followers 2798 Henriette Hedløv - (henriettehedlov) Consultant, follo wing 1730 / followers 1631 January Omdahl - (janomdahl) Journalist, follo wing 3196/followers 5380 Jonas Gahr Støre - (jonasgahrstore) Politician, follo wing 9539/followers 10251 Royal couple mj baker foodservice - (and princess) Royal, follo wing 7030 / followers 7429 Thomas Moen - (thomas alternator) Blogger Following 1684 / followers 3899 Steinar Olsen - (SteinarJOlsen) Founder, follo wing 5999 / Following 5469 Petter Stordalen - (Steve large valley) Hotel King, follo wing 56/followers 12341 Davy Wathne - (tv2davy) Tvfjes, follo wing 235 / followers 664
Furthermore, we picked out the most recent 150 tweets from the respective of the committee, and categorized them in the following categories: Shouts and expression of opinion Sharing Question Status Update Call Mention of a brand, product or service Specific Characteristics, marketing
When we added up the numbers for all the profiles it is obvious what Twitter is mostly used, talk to other people. In addition to what you see in the graph below we can bring that total on the 1,650 tweets were 99 times used retweets mj baker foodservice (RT) and it was used 209 times hashtag mj baker foodservice (#).
So a closer look at each of eleven before we attempt to draw some conclusions and hint fore some directions that one can take this further. It is certainly possible to aggregate large figures here, but it will still require manual interpretation to best understand all the information.
One of our famous and beloved winter athletes also have a blog for those who wish to follow him even closer. Svindal uses Twitter the most to have different opinions of things. And it seems that is an approach people like. If you are a celebrity, the lower threshold for what we want to know about you.
Are Kalvø was it like Fawlty Towers stood out on their coverage, more than half of his tweets went on statements about himself. Furthermore, there was conversation and sharing that was in focus. Below is a graphical representation.
Arnstein Larsen was in 2009 elected Mr Twitter in Norway. Funny thing and a cool guy with a lot of expertise, we thought we'd be brazen enough to walk he too little at the seams. What Mr tweet on Twitter?!
Henriette jobs in Halogen and is established as one of the better in Norway on the strategic use of social media. In addition, she will have cred for having started an active group on LinkedIn that addresses several minor and major elements in social media. A group recommending, often good discussions and dialogues. It stands out for Henriette Twitter is without a doubt the call, nearly two out of three tweets are in relation to an ongoing conversation.
Jonas Gahr Støre is that everyone knows our sitting Secretary of State. He uses Twitter easily and efficiently. There is little splits on the 150 tweets we went through, maybe it has something with "wise damage" after the little nybegynnerglippen. He is obviously also concerned with dialogue.
Royal couple writes, to my knowledge, mostly even and the updating of links, images and videos from their travels around the world. mj baker foodservice A Highnesses that does more for Norway than filling column inches in Look & Listen. Definitely a recommendation to follow. mj baker foodservice Here it goes clearly the most in status updates, but there is now also usable status to be royal.
Mr Buzz himself. Speaking mj baker foodservice surprisingly enough quite often the word Buzz. Tweets from Thomas Moen evenly besides mj baker foodservice that he spends about half talking with other twitterers. Thomas is without doubt one of the most active on Twitter in Norway.
Steinar Storm Berg has received much praise for its approach to social media. Steinar Storm Berg-founder and has a strong commitment to the environment. We were perhaps a little surprised at how much concrete it was advertising. But if it works then it's just get on with it.
Steinar has stated that he is so keen to measure mj baker foodservice the impact of social media, but now he has held for some time and it could be very interesting to see some of the specific conversions, links, discussion, pr etc. Hint hint
Great Dale