Friday, January 3, 2014

The first performance took place last year and the success they

Shelters and memories CHRISTMAS WAR | Fiona Vella
Sometimes are times when I feel like the image of shattered mirror tastetech ... one person several angles all present the same face but in reality tastetech None are like the other. In fact often find me myself I fight myself because I naħsibha part way and on the other hand I want something else. Character jgħejjik sometimes even to understand yourself tastetech but at the same time-filling life with a sense of wonder as you own never able to reach certain extent and is able to do.
These parallel thoughts even touching Christmas times where congratulate nsibni sometimes like a little girl and other moments jaqbduni major nerves. Tferraħħni simplicity, the tradition of this time and the authenticity tastetech of the people that really jagħnihom Christmas special joy, so that jmissulek up. Tifliġni falsehood is welcome only tricky these days and the ċelebrar and forced happiness. Although even this year I had to take a dose of both, is to realize that this time is on my other feelings dal days. And these articles are the cause. Most of the articles, people that I met, that with their different perspectives, all in one way or another taught something new by which have led to better understand myself.
So looking for what is not usual. So this time I decided to nistħarreġ what dir representation of Christmas In the shelter who is organizing the pageant group of Band Club of San Filep Zebbug inside.
I met Brian Bonnici, artistic director and script writer of this representation and Tanya Borg, one of the players. I wanted to interview carried in the passages and chambers shelter located under the Club of San Filep so I can drink the atmosphere of the place. As inżilna asked to Brian jispjegali started this idea and why the chose to present tastetech vivid crib into a shelter?
"Zebbug is very well known for activities Friday but Christmas was little organized here. Therefore we wished to go out with a very original. We chose to create a live crib themed and built the Maltese traditional Christmas story on typical Maltese character. The background of this work to give refuge shelter excavation tastetech during the second world war we felt it perfect for people who come to visit us back in time when these days were celebrated in a much more simple and genuine. We have given life to a character known and ħallatnihom with common people so that together they remind us of the true message of Christmas.
The first performance took place last year and the success they've had the courage għamlilna to other snooker again this year. However some characters have changed so so inħajjru visit again even to those who were last year. "
"Although we are the players we have a script on which it is moving, it is there to serve only as a basis. So much so that no representation not be like the other. This is because we invite people to engage us in interpreting history. Therefore those who go down with us in the shelter, tastetech except follow what is going on, can even comment and f'diskursata come with personalities. Some times even visitors can taste a dish minestrone us or ibillu griżmejhom any glass of wine from the shop drinking tastetech live inside the village will find in the shelter. "
"During the Second World War, these sides climbed many refugees, especially from the side here Kottonera and thus a great need for sizable shelters. The shelter him landing this month is blowing experience but when one among audiences tastetech nzertajna woman who years ago used this work as a refuge shelter, for a moment there was anyone left without words. She called "What difference than previously! I'm here inżilt in wartime and today have been a much different tastetech purpose! "Are these feelings that we may leveraging."
"The Neapolitan bring the character of Pulċinella in their crib. So we felt that we were able to inject Gahan. Gahan wants to find the true message of Christmas and therefore jitilqilha seek the cave of Jesus ... with act as a leading door behind his back. Instead of three wise men, introduced three all happened Maltese pioneers born in Zebbug. Meeting with Michael Anton Vassalli fostom see him ask Madonna to help him as the father of the Maltese language tastetech and to recognize all the people using this language well and not to jidgħi or disparage. Another scene shows a Dun Karm Psaila while being guided saw Christmas scene to write his poem. Finding Fr Michael Xerri request the assistance of the Holy Mother and Son so they give courage to the Maltese people so afraid to state and defend twemminu - important message now ongoing controversy that removal of crucifixes . Can not fail in including St George Preca was he who led the tradition

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