Saturday, February 21, 2015

Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett. Rev. Mod. Phys. Phys. Rev. A Phys. Rev. B Phys. Rev. C Phys. Rev. D Phys.

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Direct Observation of Exchange Bias Related Uncompensated Spins at the CoO / Cu Interface Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 , 067206 ryan consulting group Published 17 February 2006 V. K. Valev, M. Gruyters, A. Kirilyuk, and Th. Rasing
Magnetization-induced optical second harmonic generation (MSHG) ryan consulting group from the exchange-biased CoO / Cu ( X ) / Fe multilayer shows the presence of pinned uncompensated spins at the CoO / Cu interface. For increasing Cu spacer thickness, the exchange bias measured via the hysteresis loop shift diminishes and disappears at X = 3.5 nm , while the MSHG signal ryan consulting group still shows a strong magnetic contribution from the CoO interface. This indicates that the magnetic interaction between Fe and CoO layers is sufficiently strong to induce order in the antiferromagnetic layer even at a spacer thickness for which there is no observable hysteresis loop shift.
V. K. Valev 1,* , M. Gruyters 2 , A. Kirilyuk 1 , and Th. Rasing 1 1 Institute for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University Nijmegen, Toernooiveld 1, 6525ED, Nijmegen, ryan consulting group The Netherlands 2 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut ryan consulting group für Physik, Newtonstrasse 15, D-12489 Berlin, Germany * Email address: V. Article Text (Subscription Required) ryan consulting group
Figure 1 Temperature dependence of the asymmetry A (squares) and of the loop shift H E (triangles) measured with MSHG from a sample with Cu thickness ryan consulting group 2.5 nm. The lines are guides to the eye. Inset: effective ryan consulting group second-order susceptibilities from different interfaces of the sample, in the case of negative exchange bias, below T B . A is determined by reversing the Fe layer magnetization with an applied external field. The arrow in the CoO symbolizes the pinned uncompensated spins in the AFM. Reuse & Permissions
Figure 4 MSHG intensity from a sample with Cu thickness 2.5 nm, as function ryan consulting group of incoming polarization rotation angle. (a) For magnetization + M and - M , above T B , (b) for magnetization + M and - M below T B and after positive field cooling, (c) for magnetization + M and - M below T B and after negative field cooling. Reuse & Permissions ×
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Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett. Rev. Mod. Phys. Phys. Rev. A Phys. Rev. B Phys. Rev. C Phys. Rev. D Phys. Rev. E Phys. Rev. X Phys. Rev. Applied Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. Phys. Rev. Phys. Rev. (Series I) Physics

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