Friday, January 30, 2015

Home News News Authoritatively Quiz From the event about the situation in the spotlight Go to ... H

Home News News Authoritatively Quiz From the event about the situation in the spotlight Go to ... Home News News Authoritatively Quiz From the event about the situation in the spotlight Random diverse consulting group Article
Mutual claims from employers and young professionals are more than enough. In short, the first complain of inadequate preparation and unwillingness to "flat out" at work, others - on the excessive demands and inadequate compensation. But it is certainly just the tip of the iceberg. In each situation, this list could be much longer. Yet the rules in the labor market, employers dictate it. Why they are reluctant to hire recent graduates? What professional queries themselves young professionals? How adequately they view themselves in the labor market? To answer these and other questions we asked the "disinterested party" - recruiters, who works daily with employers and applicants. Meet - Olga Nadtachaeu, Head of Recruitment Consulting Group "Here and Now" project manager "Analytical review diverse consulting group of the labor market in Belarus."
- Olga, recently have often heard the opinion that certainly pleased applicants, saying that employers will soon be forced to raise wages in the art, to find and keep them. The situation is exactly? - For professionals - yes. They are really willing employers to raise wages, offer certain bonuses. But it must be understood what is meant by the term "experts". We have a different interpretation of this concept. For the purposes of the employer's expert - a competent person who comes to the organization and then performs the necessary tasks. Other experts also call anyone who is at all capable to perform a job. Today, the labor market is really appreciated specialists who have professional experience, competence, personal and professional qualities that contribute to professional and career growth.
- In other words, recent graduates - young professionals on additional bonuses can not count? - If we are talking about young professionals, I would not be counted in their cohort diverse consulting group of experts in the sense which implies employer. These employers have little cautious attitude. For example, speaks for itself, our statistics: students and young professionals in the number of resumes on the labor market - the broadest category. One vacancy, have an average of 20 CV. And over the past few years a constant trend. Professionals such surplus.
- But, probably, in the context of specialties can be variations. diverse consulting group What experts now most in demand? - Specialists active sales - today they are most in demand. By the way, we have no institution diverse consulting group of higher education does not produce specialists in the field of active sales. Only in some institutions in preparation for some professions have such a course. It is noteworthy that well this course is given in Maxim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University on specialty "Psychology of business". In second place - IT-specialists, hereinafter - the workers and production staff, builders and members of the service sector, which can be attributed, and hotel and restaurant business, the difference logistics. By the way, I am often asked: "Where now to go to learn, to earn a lot?" On this account I have a strong belief, supported by professional experience: a good professional who is interested in the business, interested, looking for something diverse consulting group new, always be able to earn - regardless of specialty. Additional features on the market is always there. Lack of specialists in specific disciplines is more common today, not because they are not ready, but because many graduates do not want to engage in what I studied. Question: why go to study? Recently had a chance to read the statements graduate of the Faculty diverse consulting group of Sociology, saying that with such an education is impossible to find a job. But just at this time, we were looking for a specialist in data processing, diverse consulting group the person who is fluent in mathematical models, knows the statistics. We knocked down to find this - literate, with experience. So in the formation of the question? Of course, not all at once, but it is possible to plan your career, start small, further study and finally to become a specialist, who will fight for. By the way, and training for IT-specialty in itself also does not guarantee a comfortable existence. Now in this area is very rigorous selection and screening. Companies offer students internships, additional training. But in the end to hire only units. As for the specialties in which there is the greatest surplus, it specialists with higher education in humanities. But the surplus, for example, lawyers technical rather than real. One vacancy may be 50 resumes, but actually participate in the competition for the position of which can be considered experts.
- How competitive in a bar

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