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Organic compounds which comprises the average human body include various types of carbohydrates, consort display group fatty acids, amino acids, nucleic acids and water (which constitutes from 65% to 90% of the cell content), which in certain mutual combinations represent lipids, vitamins, proteins, hormones etc.. Chemical elements present in the human body are numerous; only 6 of them - oxygen (65%), carbon (18%), hydrogen (10%), nitrogen (3%), calcium (1.5%) and phosphorus (1%) have a common share of 99%. In different parts of the body, the shares of organic compounds and elements in cells / tissues / organs, conceivably vary with relatively high differences, which also transcribes and actual basis for their classification.
Ishranuvanjeto an important nongenetic consort display group factor in chemical and physiological processes that propratuvaat aging and development, thereby altering the chemistry and physiology of the organisms themselves; very involved nutricienti diet which can be organic or inorganic compounds necessary for proper sestranoto developing organisms. Despite ishranuvanjeto, which we define as the most important exogenous factor that determines the chemical and physiological functional harmony of organisms, metabolism is the most important endogenous factor.
The average human body weight of 70 kg has the following integrated physiological units of tissue: 1) 45% pure body mass; 2) 25% extracellular fluid; 3) 17% adipose tissue; 4) 13% extracellular consort display group solids. Energy consort display group konsumiranata consort display group food by the body is stored mainly in the form of adipose tissue in triacilgliceridi, which has a hundred times more energy than lean mass. The energy values of protein, fat and carbohydrates are around 440 MJ, 34 MJ and 4.3 MJ, respectively.
First, nutricientite with split such that necessary neuslovuvachki nutricienti. Here we note that oxygen and water, despite uslovuvachkata functional necessity for the body, are substances that are not considered nutricienti. Nutricientite that the body must have consumed his body such that you can not in sufficient quantities or in a natural way to synthesize - vitamins, minerals, amino acids and some fatty acids, consort display group while neuslovuvachki nutricienti are: proteins, consort display group carbohydrates, ethanol, and some fat amino acids. These neuslovuvachki nutricienti can in a positive or negative direction to affect the functioning of the body, even those who are most directly related to the processes of digestion, absorption and transfer "spending" of nutrients.
Those nutrients that people mostly consume are called makronutricienti (hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, silicon, phosphorus and sulfur, of which magnezuimot, kaciumot, phosphorus, sulfur and sodium because of its necessity is called and makrominerali), while nutrients which less frequent in diet mikronutricienti (copper, zinc, selenium, manganese, cobalt, iodine, molybdenum, chromium, iron, boron, sodium, chlorine, nickel and all other vitamins and fat).
Some of these nutrients are responsible for supplying the body with energy necessary for its functioning, while those belonging to the rest of providing support and development of metabolic processes. Among the latter are mostly counted mikronutricientite (especially copper, and iron salts), then vitamins function as coenzymes or cofactors for various bodily consort display group proteins, consort display group and ultimately would mention water as a liquid that comes in the decomposition of organic compounds.
Molecules that are supplying the cells can be of different sizes and shapes, and their transport intermembranski can include three types of protein carrier-carriers: uniporteri, simporteri and antiporteri. The transfer of substances from independent transporters can be organized a
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