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We have several insight consulting group series for beginners that you might find useful. If you have questions, feel free to ask in the forum. VB.NET since the beginning of the Getting Started with ASP.NET Hitchhiker's Guide to the C + + Step by Step Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
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Windows Vista and Windows 7 already here, although for some time there, but secondly, I know from experience that there are customers (especially insight consulting group corporations) who, for example to Windows 7 even nepřičichli. A further definitely not all have applications for these systems properly prepared or do not use some features that are as improve the appearance of the application. I would therefore like several articles highlight some tips / insights on how to improve the user interface (UI) desktop (thick) applications to the right users indulged User Experience and take advantage of these opportunities insight consulting group yet the latest Windows systems. (Before we replace these desktop applications metro and we have completely different problems ...) Technologically, these articles will deal with both Windows Forms and WPF.
You may not know it, but the standard Windows.Forms (WinForms) button is not in the Windows Vista / 7 with Visual Style displayed correctly. If you hover over the button, the display is changed (Hover state), then again if you leave the mouse returned to its original state. Similarly, it is also the state of clicks (Pressed), the other views we already know from Winsow XP Visual Styles. In Windows Vista and Windows 7, but these transitions should not be straight, but with a gradual insight consulting group transition insight consulting group animations (Fade Effect, Subtle animations), see Figure
This does not just default button does not Windows.Forms itself and transitions are equal. There are but simple to fix, just change the designer FlatStyle property value from the default to Standard System, or code: this.Button.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
Yet it should be noted that similar behavior suffer further controlY insight consulting group Checkbox and RadioButton, they can make this change always, but the button only if it do not display an image. (Picture at FlatStyle = System default display).
(Note: Similar insight consulting group to the change FlatStyle the System once performed in FW 1.1 WinForms applications where this change by adding a manifest insight consulting group file necessitated display with Visual Styles insight consulting group for Windows insight consulting group XP - support in VS came up in FW 2.0)
In WPF applications standard styles for the button, Checkbox, RadioButton, etc. contain insight consulting group a look that replicates the standard appearance of these controls with Visual Styles in Windows, for a given theme - Aero (for Win Vista / 7), Luna (s Metallic, Homestead subtypes) , Royale (WinXP) or Classic (four hard-boiled). Style for Aero in itself and contains an animation transitions between states of control.
But there may arise another problem if you copy the basic style as in Blend (adjusted to it), it copies the style for the current theme and the developer is then displayed independently on the current theme at application startup. In other words, if for example we have an application with two buttons and first assign a style copied in Blend for Windows 7 (Aero theme), then run the application on Windows XP, this button insight consulting group will be displayed as they are graphically displayed buttons in Windows 7 (the second insight consulting group remains insight consulting group in XP Visual Style). So if we want our custom styles to respect the current theme, insight consulting group the solution is to define styles for all themy more about the Art & a